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I have never been to such an unwelcoming and ignorant hairdressers before, we went through the ladies hairdressers attached and was told through the door, so we went through the barber did not even acknowledge us, say hello or anything. They obviously knew I had a 2 year old there for his hair cut and did nothing to make him at ease or even notice he was there, after I had told them on the phone he didnt like getting his hair cut, my son was pretending to hide from the barber and he just walked past him, he didnt even speak to the guy whose hair he was cutting except to ask what he wanted his hair like. The ladies side one women was just left on her own while her hair coloured and went off to find the lady who was doing her hair. We went early last year when they had Jungle Cuts and I remember why we have never been back, as we took my son (1 year old) then for a hair cut and the girl cutting his hair had a hang over on the Sat morn and basically told us if he didnt sit still she wasnt cutting it, sorry I thought they were a specialist childrens hair dressers at the time. Avoid like the plague

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